
Sunday, May 23, 2010

our very first house warming party

We thought we were doomed when the electric stove didn't work yesterday but things picked up pretty well soon after.We were at the mall before the doors opened and went groceries shopping and we managed to get a stove.Simple and old skool but effective.It cooked pretty much throughouth the entire party.We were running short on food for a bit but eventually everyone got to eat.

LinZy helped me cook some more food after the first batch of spaghetti finished which was brought by my sister.Shu's home made chicken roulade finished before Shu's cousins got to the place.My brother took the last piece of chicken.I managed to bake some cookies but it was all gone before sunset.I was really unhappy and disturbed by the looks of the cookies but everyone liked them anyways.

I am so glad that most people made it.Well,Yumi-chan,Lina and Maj did.I'll probably throw another party when everyone is free AGAIN.The whole thing was last minute but at least everyone ate.

Oh yeah,Apple (Bee) got to see his new place ^_^ Bedah too ;)