
Monday, February 12, 2018

A lot has happened over the weekend

And a lot of things have got me realized just how my priorities are not in order.

For starters, I have not been taking care of myself well. I don't eat well. I don't eat  when I'm supposed to eat.

Secondly, I did not make it to the mosque in time for the jenazah prayer. I should have. I was at Ili's house on Friday night. I got there in time as we saw the van coming from the hospital.

I need to prioritize things in my life. My husband and my kids are my top priorities but there are also other matters that needs to be important in life.

So I made it to the class yesterday morning. It's an Aqeedah class in English. Made some new friends. I plan to continue learning for my sake and for my kids' sake. Long story.

Religion and faith have been something I have been struggling with all my life. I have been learning and relearning trying to find some answers.