
Friday, January 09, 2009

Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang,UKM

Spent the evening at the library in UKM.Was trying to find books and stuff.Unfortunately,I am NOT a student there.Therefore,book loans are a big NO NO.Tried to make copies of pages,chapters and articles.Got loads of it but not enough.I'll be heading over to the library over at IIUM tomorrow after class......AGAIN.If I fail to get what ever it is I'm looking for there,I shall and will get my ass back to UNITEN and UKM.

Libraries and FidZy has never quite balance in an equation so this whole journey about me visiting libraries would be something new.

On the sidelines,I have my personal studies on symbols and meanings.I am on to something and this one has a strong hook on me.I've also been preaching about my research in hopes to find more answers.It's crazy.I can't even sleep at night coz I can't stop thinking about all the theories in my head.

I also am aware of the lives of innocent people being killed halfway across the world from where I live and I am not very happy with it.I'm hoping that with enough proof,I can make people see that we can live without some of the things we tend to spend cash on and that we still have what it takes to change the world...........we just need some will power.A LOT of will power.

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