
Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We were at UNITEN this morning.Not as early as yesterday coz we selpt-in a little longer.We weren't really rushing for anything but we just had to get some stuff done.We were at the admin building coz Shu had to go see some academic officers about some stuff.

Meanwhile,I was trying to connect to the UNITEN student wi-fi.Failed coz I got Shu's matric number mixed up.So,I decided to take a walk outside since I was freezing cold.After a while,Shu finally came down to the lobby where I was looking at some awesome inventions by the UNITEN students.

We talked over lunch at ALAMANDA.Then,we did some bowling.I think we're gonna get my brothers together by end of this week and go bowling.Haven't done that in a while.Besides,I think it's so much better than having them stuck in front of the damn television playing the PS3.Apart from basketball in the mornings and afternoons,that's all they ever do in a day.

Anywho,Shu and I have been talking about a lot of things lately.Things pertaining both our lives.Things we cannot tell anyone of.Not even my mum.I worry about him a lot and I am constantly trying to help him sort things out.We have to get this over with and move away from here.Away from everyone.
It's one thing to talk about things that has already been done.It's another to pass judgements.Especially if you are someone who is supposed to help.If you are just going to remind people of the mistakes they've made than I suppose you are a bigger idiot than I thought.We will make use of you to the fullest and walk away without even thanking you.

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