
Friday, June 19, 2009

World War exhibition@Cineleisure,Mutiara Damansara

The kids from Cempaka school teamed up the History channel and made the exhibition a success.It was awesome!They did a good job on researching everything form fashion to music to food and weapons.There was a booth to test if you could survived the awful test done by the Germans back then.According to the kids at the booth,the Germans wanted to find a cure for hyperthermia so they got some hostages sick by putting them in ice.The kids at the booth had a huge Coleman icebox filled with ice and water.The dare was to stick our hand in for about 20 seconds.I did and survived but the 20 seconds was very VERY painful!When I took out my hand,it looked as though every drop of blood in my hand had been drained out!That was about an hour ago and my hand is still sore and feels like it (my hand) is coming down with a fever!

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