
Friday, September 18, 2009

not a fosterer

I try very hard to not pick up cats or kittens from anywhere and make them believe that they can have a home here with me.It never works.The cats living behind my house seem to think that I am the one to call when they get hungry.The chomel grey cat even sits outside my bedroom window!Kecik and Fei Mao hates that cat.I don't mind her but she tends to make a lot of noise.

Earlier today,Aunty Intan asked Shu and I to take a kitten from her house and leave it somewhere where it won't go be able to go back to her house.The thing is,the kitten is very VERY tiny.It was hungry and cold and dirty and smelly.I couldn't just toss it out in the rain.It could get hit by a car.Or it could get attacked by other cats or dogs.Or it could end up drowning in some drain.

So,I took it home,fed it and let it stay in a cage so that it won't spread whatever disease it has to my other cats.Eventhough my mum doesn't like the idea of adopting another cat/kitten,she couldn't let that poor thing go out all alone in the rain.What she told me to do is to take that kitten to the vet tomorrow morning to get it cleaned up and possibly vaccinated and then think of what we're gonna do with it later on.

As much as I hate the idea,I figured that the safest place for it to go to would be SPCA.I cannot imagine what will happen to these cats and kittens once I get married and move out.I know that Shu doesn't want to leave Kecik (and Bedah the hamster) behind no matter where we go.

Speaking of Bedah,I decided to splurge some cash on her and got her some carrot cakes and bath salt.I feel sorry for her coz she's been all by herself for the longest time.But since hamsters can recognize their relatives,I figured she won't feel so alone nowadays.At least not anymore ^_^

Kecik,on the other hand,has a serious superiority complex.He refuses to sleep on the floor or any non-carpeted floor.His ultimate decisions would be my parent's bed or my tatami or maybe Qarim's bed or the sofa bed downstairs where he'd usually fight over which side to sleep on with Shu.

1 comment:

Gregory Foxburr said...

That Abas guy memang selamba je..nak the cat pastu just ditch him like dat..hahaha..since there's Bedah the hamster we can call that cat Tanjung..said ur dad..hahaha..kecik dah x suka tido wit me anymore, maybe bcoz i suka stepped on his tail or golek atas dia..hahaha