
Thursday, September 24, 2009

shoppin' again

Shu got home this morning.He was lucky today coz his car got spotted at BHP so he got 80 bux worth of vouchers for fuel free plus a pre-loaded 20 bux touch n go card.All you have to do is have the sticker on your car and turn up at the gas station at the right time.He was just lucky coz we were on our way out and I insisted that he fueled up his car before going to wherever.

My cellphone is dying.It has come to a point whereby charging it just cannot guarantee a full life for the phone anymore.So,Shu decided to get me a new phone.We went hunting from one shop to another and none of the shops had the phone we wanted.We ended up buying the phone from the forth mall we went to today.Well,we finally got me a new phone and it works just fine.

We went around looking at travel luggage bags.We found some really neat ones but didn't buy any of them coz we had to check if my mum had some unused ones back at home.

Went to the park in late in the afternoon.We did some kicking and catching with the rugby ball.I am slowly getting my momentum back but the muscle aches are still there.Once I get back into the regular routine I should be fine ^_^

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