
Friday, October 23, 2009

introducing the Monkey Dance by the Foxburrs

While Shu was stuck doing his FYP,he let me use his super awesome computer to play The Sims 3.Days just went by and before I could do anything,it's already Friday.

Update:Shu has no problems using the Pro E software anymore ;)

While I've been driving back and forth to Bangi after classes,I did learn some new roads to new places around UPM.And in the evenings when we get home,we'd head over to the park at my old house.We don't run anymore.Well,Shu would jog while I do some monkey dance.

We spent last night watching Bruno which almost killed us from laughing so hard.

Kecik has began to mark territories around the house by peeing at different places IN THE HOUSE.One morning before I left for class,he peed at the wall at the front door.After that,when Azim came home from school,Kecik peed on his school bag.The dude was superpissed.

Bedah is happy and fat,as usual.

Gemok aka Fei Mao is still herself.Daydreaming and getting weird dreams as she sleeps.Weirdo!

I think my spare part warranty has been long overdue.My right leg is hurting ever so badly especially when its cold.I have this vision of me losing my leg while I run in the park.

Anywho,Shu and I almost died of shock as we were walking home from the park one afternoon.Out of nowhere,a huge Retriever headed towards us and we weren't sure of what to do.Then,it turned out that it was just playing with the dog in one of the houses.

And then,there was this one time when we were at a pet store in Uptown Damansara,we were shocked to see a crocodile in an aquarium!It was a freakin' glass aquarium!When the reptile moved,it looked like it could easily break the glass.To make things worse,there were tiny tanks of white mice and hamsters placed on top on the aquarium with the crocodile!

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