
Friday, December 18, 2009

waka waka waka!

After last night's curious case of random dance routine invention,I just realized that I have the entire lyrics to Celine Dion's Because You Love Me engraved into my head.I was driving Rashidinsky Petropavlosk and Shu nuts with my awful off-key screams in the car while singing along to the radio.

Shu and I had to meet up with my sister earlier this morning.The meeting was so secret that my mum got annoyed trying to figure out why the hell we were all the way in Subang so early in the day.The thing is,she didn't know that our discreet meeting took place in Sunway Pyramid instead.Let's just say my sister did Shu and I a huge favor and Shu promised to pay her for it ;)

Had brunch with Anas Bananas since he called in sick for work today.Funny.I could have sworn that the tee he had on belonged to either Shu,Rashid or me.Hurmm........

Then,Shu and I headed off.We made a quick stop at my aunty's place.I was playing with the cat (Oreo) and the 2 kittens.Watched some TV and then we went off to Putrajaya.

P.S. : Is it just me or is Bedah and Fei Mao starting to look alike these days.It sounds impossible since one is a rodent and the other is a feline.Still.........they seem to have a lot more similarities as the days go by.

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