
Monday, March 29, 2010

definitely NOT mum material!

I was supposed to go get some stuff for Bedah (like a new HOUSE!) and possibly a housemate for her as well.Took her into the car along with Azim and friend.I was supposed to drive my brother and his friend to the shop and then took 'em for a drink.It was alright at first until I left the car and joined them in the shop and as we were walking to the mamak shop,Azim asked me how Bedah was doing.Then,it occurred to me that I left her in the car.I know that there was probably a whole lot of oxygen in the car that could last her for about an hour or so but I totally forgot about her!

She was alright by the way ;)

Shu and I drove to Subang this morning to get a car sticker for our car so that we can park within the premises once we move.Then,we went to get me a pair of proper looking (and comfy) and not so over the top shoes.For work.......

By the way,I am so pissed off with the fact that I can no longer fit a nice pair of slack pants coz it's not just loose but it is also super long :/

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