
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

hatred for cyclists

I was gonna run down a bunch of cyclists who were cycling at the side of the road.I wonder if these people are aware of the rules of "SINGLE FILE"?! Dah la tanak use the pedestrian/bicycle lane!Pastu nak nak obstruct traffic!

AND.....I hate it when people do NOT STOP at a junction!

Anywho,Shu and I couldn't stop singing out loud KYLE'S MUM IS A STUPID BITCH (in D minor) I kept telling him that if I ever had to deal with the people he'd be dealing with in the future,I'd end up passing racist statements and swearing BIG TIME!Hahahahahaha!!!!!We've been listing out really awful words and sometimes it gets loud and we'd forget we're in public places.Either ways,it would make us laugh our heads off.

Anywho,we got Bedah a maze yesterday.I was hoping so much that she'd be happy about it so that she can walk about without being disturbed or attacked by Kecik or Snow Bear.She's NOT happy with it.In fact,she'd get worked up and angry and starts rolling around,scratching and biting the walls.She looked furious.She can't even climb up the tunnels.WTF?!Have I spoiled her completely?!

I've spoiled Kecik......no wait!Kak Yah spoiled Kecik!Snow Bear is spoiled by my parents :p

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