
Thursday, June 03, 2010

so many things happened today that I have no idea where to begin!

Got up this morning for a photoshoot.RadioEdit's photoshoot but unfortunately something came up and the whole thing is postponed to after my wedding.Shu and I dropped Rashid back home and drove off to Shah Alam to meet up with our photographers.Had brunch and went back home.Ili (Illyn Virgobiru) came by just after we got home.Was talking to her for a long while in my room till it was time for me to get my ass downstairs for some Yasin reading session and tazkirah.I enjoyed myself ^_^ Ili's been snapping photos and stuff.She and her mum (Aunty Nani) had been really helpful.I was just tired coz after the whole thing was over,I managed to grab some food and get ready for mengaji coz my ustazah was already at my house.Yes,I was late.I helped Ili get all the hantaran gifts downstairs and headed upstairs to recite the Quran one last time before the even tomorrow morning.MORNING!After that I just hung around downstairs for a bit with my aunt and Ili and we talked and stuff.After maghrib Ili left coz her husband was already home and he asked her to get something to eat on her way back to Bangi.

I am tired.Way tired!I couldn't even recite al-fatihah properly!WTF?!

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