
Saturday, July 03, 2010

Scooter Gurl

Shu taught me and let me take the scooter for a ride around the kampung area.It's in the night and there are hardly any lights AND I didn't have my glasses on.I ALMOST ran into the house gate but overall,we got home safe and sound coz almost doesn't count ;p

I've been here in Terengganu since Thursday and it's been kuh-ray-zee!I didn't think Shu's parents were gonna have this big of a kenduri.SO MANY people turned up and I totally couldn't keep up with it.I passed out at about 3pm and got up at about 6pm.Seriously,I've never done anything like this before.It's called the "Temu Menantu" session whereby the people-friends,neighbours and family-would come over and meet the new daughter-in-law (moi)Actually,I'm the only daughter-in-law in the family.So yeah,with that all done,I'd say I've met pretty much everyone.I just have no clue who most of them were.

I had a blast.I was out at the beach in the last couple of days only because my family was staying at a homestay house near the beach.Aunty Intan,Farah and Pear aka Faizal had been staying at Primula Beach Resort and we had our outing the other night.Having Sotong Goreng Tepung and Kropok Lekor by the beach in the dark.It was funny but fun to do ^_^ hahaha!

We'll be heading back tomorrow morning.I'm missing Apple Bee for some strange reason :/

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