
Saturday, August 07, 2010

house guests #2

Shu's folks were at our place for dinner last night.We cooked some noodles.They came with Kak Long's 2 kids and their maid.They lurved our place.Shu's dad took photos and stuff.They stayed for Isya' prayers and had some coffee before they left.That was awesome and unplanned and I could so do it again ^_^ Yup yup!

Of course,later last night,we also went for a midnight movie ^_^ We took a chance and watched The Last AirBender.I've been a huge fan of the animated series on Nickelodeon.I have a thing for beautiful drawings and animations :D

Ok,if you read any further it might just spoil the movie for you so if you haven't seen the film you might not wanna read this.

I think the kid who played Aang looks scarily similar to the animated version Aang.The only thing that sorta got me dissatisfied with the movie version Aang was the fact that were hardly ANY funny side to the Avatar.I was expecting Katara to be portrayed by a native american instead of a white chick :/ Of course,Dev Patel played Prince Zuko and I personally think he did a good job.I think scenes when the benders use their elements to fight were awesome.The effects as well as the actors doing the right style of martial arts.That was really awesome.

At first,I really thought the only good reason to watch the movie was Jackson Rathbone.He portrayed Sokka which is actually not an easy thing to do considering that Sokka is a very comical character in a very anime-ish way.Of course,the story went on a bit slow.I think some important scenes were missing and some scenes which were important were not paid enough attention to.Some scenes shouldn't be dragged on so much :/

Over all,I'd say I enjoyed the movie ^_^

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