
Saturday, December 04, 2010

bleeding tonsil and dying fishes

It started with a minor flu.........I was sneezing every now and then.Weird.I usually don't have a sensitive issue when it comes to allergies.Maybe it was the aircond right above my head at my cubicle.Since I start work at midnight,I'd usually bring along and wear a hoodie.I guess this time the hoodie wasn't good enough.I was sneezing and then I had a minor case of runny nose and then I started coughing.Just a little bit.My throat got worse.I asked my SME for some time off coz I needed to get myself checked.Now,I'm grounded at home with bad fever every now and again.My sleeping time is off and I can hardly fall asleep when I am supposed to.

My throat itches which causes bad coughs would keep me up all day.Sometimes,I can't even breathe and sometimes it hurts so much that my whole body aches.I really want to get better soon coz I can't seem to get much done in this condition.It's gonna be the weekend and I really don't want to be the reason my husband has to stay home coz our usual weekends consists of a 10-hour outing.This is not looking good.

I left my car at my workplace the way I usually would during emergencies like last month when I started throwing up so much within 4 hours of working time.My husband rushed me to the hospital and I left my car at the office.I think I left it there for almost 2 days.Well,I left my car on Wednesday morning at about 4am coz that's usually my lunch break.I only went to get it some time in the afternoon today.

Oh yeah,we are very concerned about sudden many deaths of our guppies.WTF went wrong?!

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