
Monday, September 19, 2011

chilling out

I love spending weekends and off days at home. A lot of things can be done and we get to clean up the place. I love the weekly floor mopping sessions. I am addicted to the floor cleaner scent. Not sure if it's a good thing.

I've been spending way too much time these days getting into little fights with Georg.He wants to take on me standing on his two hind legs.He's insane!He'd attack me every now and then whenever I pass by.He'd step onto the book while I am reading and pretends that he hasn't done anything wrong.

Speaking of Georg,he hasn't bath this week due to the rain.He's been scratching himself all over. The problem with having a feather duster-like cat is that he tends to trap every spec of dust in the house.And it doesn't help when he rolls around on the balcony outside coz that's where most of the dust comes from :/

Anywho, I am looking forward to the leave in October ^_^

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