
Sunday, November 27, 2011

either pregnant or just fat

I have this bump on my tummy. I don't know if its a baby bump or just fat that I cannot get rid of. I have my usual ways to get rid of tummy indigestion but this is something else. I have also been craving for things I usually wouldn't eat. I can't sleep properly at night.

The worst part is that the test kits still shows negative.


ILynn Virgobiru said...

Use the test kit yg celup punye..dont use the complicated ones.
Oh..dont stress too much on getting pregnant. Just DO it! haha. It'll come when u don't feel so stress about it. =)
I planned my pregnancy but we didnt expect that once we go off from planning, it'll stick straight away..
Anyway..waiting for good news from you fidz!!

FidZy Foxburr said...

Hey! thanks for the tips! I was stressed out too much la I think........