
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

update ^_^

  • I have loads of mosquito and insect bites on my arms and legs that I am beginning to look like a leopard.
  • I am back to my insomniac self. Actually, I can't sleep due to my inability to breathe properly when I sleep in certain positions. The cramps I get from my legs also wake me from my sleep from time to time which suck.
  • I got myself another massage slot today. It's only my second time. I was desperate. The pain from my hips are killing me and it's been creeping up all the way to my neck.
  • I met my sister-in-law who is one month (pregnant) ahead of me and her gynea tells her she may have to be induced within the next few weeks. I have about 68 days to go and I am nervous as hell.
  • I am about 7 months +- pregnant now and I put on about 6kg. I read that I am supposed to be putting on at least 10kg by the end of my pregnancy but since the gynea says that my baby is fine and is growing according to schedule, I am guessing that things are OK.
  • Managed to do a bit more shopping for the baby. I hope we have everything. Someone once told Shu that we have 9 months to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the arrival of the baby. Once the baby is born, there is no excuse for not being able to adjust ourselves. He has a point.

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