
Friday, January 04, 2013

44 days countdown

Went to see the Gynea yesterday morning. I felt like I was gonna collapse coz I was rushing for the appointment that I didn't bother eating first. So my blood pressure was a bit low. I've put on another 600g. So overall I have actually put on about 6kg. I think the baby weighs about 1.9kg now. He may sound small but he is definitely filling up space in my tummy. I asked my Gynea about the symptoms and pain I have been going through and she said its normal. I am actually considered to be on the luckier side compared to other pregnant women. My hemoglobin count was less so I was instructed to change my supplements just until I give birth. I am after all a bit on the anemic side.

I still have problems eating red meat and eggs but so far chicken is alright. I have been desperately trying to change my sleeping routine back to the way it was because in the last couple of weeks, I have been sleeping at about 3am and waking up for Subuh prayers and then falling back asleep till just before Zuhr prayers. I am eating much less portions of food but much more frequently throughout the day.I can't sleep on the bed anymore so I have been pretty much on the couch most of the days and nights.

I think if my bodyaches don't go away after giving birth, I may need to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor :-/

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