
Monday, July 15, 2013


Ramadhan is so far so good. Tarawikh prayers would always depend on Yusuf and how he is coz he doesn't have a pattern. He's sometimes asleep and he sometimes need me around. His right eye got bitten by an unknown insect this morning. Just under his outer brow is red and swollen a little. The doctor said its definitely an insect bite but its external. I hope it heals quickly.

Yusuf has recently began eating and its funny how he prefers the rusks over the rice porridge. We have to feed him immediately or he will refuse to eat. There was this one time when my mum fed him and he got angry coz my mum didn't give him enough. The food he refuses to eat from time to time are usually eaten by myself :p

We recently went back to Terengganu. It was an awesome 4 days.Finally, Yusuf was awake and we took him on the beca. It. Was. AWESOME. Hahahaha!!!!

We need to move away from the city ^_^

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