
Thursday, June 02, 2016

One day, we were just talking in the car........

It started with Youtube.
I was just saying that I find it weird how sometimes people can write or say or comment really nasty things about a person they don't even know. I mean really nasty things.
Like "You are so ugly" or "This face shouldn't be allowed in public"
I have no idea if anyone has any rights to be nasty to anyone at all especially to people whom they don't even know. At the back of my mind, I'm always thinking "Really? Like YOU are perfect? Where is your face on your channel?"
And the thing about platforms like Youtube is that YOU as the viewer have the power to not watch the video and carry on. Well, it's kinda the same with FB or Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram I guess.

Anywho,I was suddenly taken back to my school years way before any of these social media. Ok,not that long ago but let's just say there were just Friendster and MySpace. Ermm.......it's probably a whole other decade. But anyways,I remember a person or two who'd just be so bothered about what other people do.

They'd say things like"Did you know that I heard that this girl is sleeping around with guys?"

And I was like "Really?How is that any of my business?Did you see her doing those things?Are you even friends with her?" I had a huge problem to deal with called "Getting through SMKTTDI alive" and she was concerned about someone else's virginity?!

It's weird,really. It's like some people have problems with other people being born perfect. Well, I had issues too. Puberty did not hit me the right way either but it's not like I was gonna spend my time talking shit about those other pretty girls. They were pretty and they were lucky and I was happy for them. In fact, I was friends with some of them and they were nice people.

The truth is, I did not understand why pretty girls are often shown to be mean when in actuality, those girls who are not pretty and popular really are the mean ones.

So anyways,I just think it's weird. You don't know that person. What gives you the right to say anything about them at all?

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