
Thursday, November 15, 2018

My husband asked me a question yesterday

It's about how I feel about under aged kids smoking.Do I feel like these are problematic kids?

First of all,SMOKING is a verb.It's an addiction (if you do it right).DO I think kids who smoke are problematic people?



Where the fuck are the responsible adults who should not be allowing them to get a hold of those things?

I find a lot of people with a lot problems in my life.Adults and kids alike.

I came from a school where there are a lot of rich kids and average or poor kids all put into a single institution.I had a conversation with someone about going to a public school in an urban area.A lot of shit happens.Too much for a bunch of 13 year-olds to handle if you ask me.

I had friends who came from rich families but their parents are non-existent.They come home from school and they have to cook meals for themselves.Some have maids.Sometimes,they'd have friends over just to hangout and then we'd all go out (on our own).We were 14 at the time.I had a friend who'd get a 1000 bucks a month to do what ever she wants.She'd sometimes give us money just for fun.Do I think she's a problematic child?No.She's a nice person.Her vocabulary and choices of activities are different from mine. Our academics are average.We lack interest in some subjects and we enjoy learning some subjects more than others.We were not over achievers.Due to some school rules problem,we just never bothered with after school activities like clubs or sports.

I think when I was about 15 years old,I found myself jamming with a bunch of girls at a house somewhere near where I lived.My batch mate asked me to come along jamming with these other girls whom I have never met.They were older but none of them were above 18 years of age.It was cool.And yes,they were smoking.All of them.They did ask me if I wanted to try smoking but I said no coz I knew the consequences back at home if my folks knew I smoked.But I didn't mind the fact that they were smoking coz one of the girls' dad was the one who gave her the cigarettes for her to enjoy with her friends.

So many kids get suspended from school throughout my school years there.It's mostly disciplinary issues.Were those kids poor and stupid?No.They came from rich families and they were very intelligent kids.Maybe they were bored of school.At least that's what I thought.I was struggling with my grades and trying so damn hard to pass the damn geography paper but for these kids,school was a breeze.I had classmates who'd smoke weed during lunch breaks and came back to class later.They smelled awful but they were the nicest bunch of people I've ever gotten to know.

Personally,I feel like when I was in school,I was stuck between trying to pass exams and staying on track with classes but at the same time,picking the right friends wasn't that much of a big deal coz I was friends with who ever who wanted to be friends with me.A lot of kids in my school had a lot of problems but that never made them bad people.There are also some snobs from rich families who think they are better than the rest of us.Again,I don't think they are problematic.They were raised that way.

Smoking does not define anything.My dad struggled so long trying to quit smoking.He did it.He is still the same old man I've known all my life.

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