
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

People are people

I've come to realize that a lot of people do not know me at all other than Shu and my kids.They don't know how I really look like when I go out or what I look like at all.Not a problem.I'd like to keep it that way.

Having said that,I have come to realize that in 2019,I seem to come across as someone who is high maintenance to most people.That is partly true.A lot of people assume I like high end branded stuff and that I shop a lot and I only shop or hangout at certain places.REALLY??? Wow!

I don't know many brands other than those that I discover throughout my love for cosmetics and skincare.Handbags aren't a thing for me.I have tops or dresses from certain brands because Shu likes to buy me stuff whenever he goes out with the kids.Like that top he got me from buying lunch with Ali Imran and Yusuf.He went into the store next door while waiting for my coffee to be ready.He also picked up an outfit for Safiyya.

Shu can go walking around in a mall while I'm waiting for a drink or something at some random coffee shop and comes back with a bag of clothes he thought would look nice on me.He'd get me stuff like handbags from brands or shops I don't know.

Seriously,if it was up to me,I'd know brands like Tory Burch and Roxy.Erm.......like I said,handbags isn't a thing for me.I have a few only coz Shu buys me some.My mum gifts me some.I did buy a few in the past only coz a relative was in the United States.

I could sit all day and talk about makeup and swatches........or DC animations and comics.......and some gaming..........yeah.......Ejen Ali..........

Anywho,what I was getting to was that a lot of people who know me and don't know me really just don't know me at all.I am super excited about plants and interior designing and storage.I really love action figures.I like singing and busking on the acoustic guitar with Shu.I spend time dancing to Just Dance Kids songs with my kids at home.

It's really funny how I come across as high maintenance........hahahhaaha!!!!!

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