
Sunday, May 03, 2020

Late check-in

Better late than never........

Quarantine has been strange. I know that I had always been the one with zero social life and even though my sister thinks I'm gonna come out of this just as myself, I still get a little crazy from time to time.

Just before the quarantine went official,Shu went on this shopping spree over on Zalora and got me a whole lot of clothes......a whole lot......of clothes........

I was doing some scrapbooking which was ok I guess.......managed to learn origami........learned to bake a cake.......Oh,I picked up on working out. I was working out every single day for about a week or two.....then,I worked out with a regular schedule........It gets really addictive.........I lost some weight coz I was doing the eat less,workout more thing. I still do........it's very typical of me to not feed myself well.........

Anywho, I had a hard time keeping up with the kids' school work schedule. Yusuf has classes everyday. He has an actual schedule like for homeschooling on Google Classroom. The other two babies have classes (more like Zoom Meetings) twice a week. I felt like a Personal Assistant for a while coz I had to make sure Safiyya and Ali Imran joined the meetings in time. I sometimes fail because I forget that some classes begin earlier and later.........

Our house immediately turned into a home office. There is an actual work printer with A4 papers on standby and my gaming laptop becomes the work computer. It's so weird. It's such a mess which I am not used to.

On a more positive note,I have learned to propagate my plants and somehow I think I might have managed to save my birthday Monstera plant from dying of rotten roots. This also means that I made a mess out on the balcony. At least my plants are alive and taken care of.

The beginning of this year was hectic. I was learning to be an adult parent and I was slowly re-learning how to socialize with other human beings.It's strange because I really thought I had to put in a lot of effort. Turns out,I'm quite the Capybara of the urban area ;) Some of the teachers did ask who I was coz Shu had always been the contact parent for the kids and I was non-existent.

I started driving again. Yes, I did. It's natural and scary. People scare me. Especially those behind the wheels. So,my routine would be waking up super early to make sure Yusuf gets to school on time. At the same time,I had to make sure Ali Imran was up and ready. Safiyya puts up a fight with me every single morning so she usually goes to school later.

The nice thing about this routine is that I usually get to have breakfast with Shu. Just the two of us. It's like a short date that occurs every morning. And we both actually have breakfast which is nice.
After that,we'd just go around with one car and I'd pack my brain dumping notebook and my laptop and I'd crash at his office until it's time to get the babies from school and have lunch.

When I get home,usually I'd make sure the kids get their afternoon naps (especially Safiyya coz she'd get cranky) Yusuf only comes home at 4pm. My evening routine would be to make sure Yusuf's school bag is packed for the next day. Ready everyone's school uniforms. Do the necessary laundry or whatever. Oh yeah,make sure their pencils are all sharpened and all their school supplies are there.

I am pretty sure Safiyya is not going to want to go back to school after all this. Shu and I are planning to take her out anyways. Yusuf and Ali Imran miss their school and friends. They miss going swimming and going to toy stores. Shu is enjoying his work life at home. I just want everyone to be safe.

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