
Saturday, August 08, 2020

The Lion, The Witch and the audacity of this bitch!


Was talking to Shu about people online and how they feel the need to comment all the damn time. The fact that they feel like they actually have the rights to cross the damn line just cause they know they are not gonna get punched in the face saying shit. I don't know why things are so out of control sometimes. 

The very reason I decided to stay off grid online and on social media is this. Some people like to treat status updates like an open diary and not actually addressing the person they are having problems with. Typical. Others are just the same people who feel like they need to say something to every post. Sometimes, I feel like "NO ONE ASKED FOR YO DAMN OPINION!" Some are just down right negative people. Negative about their posts. Negative towards other people. WHY?

Lately, what shocked me the most is people passing remarks about me IN REAL LIFE. And these people don't know me nor do I know them. I was telling Shu that back in March, when we were on the islands, there were this group of ladies who probably was at some family day event so they were hanging out in groups together with their husbands and kids by the pool. I was waiting for the kids at the table next to them. Just watching the kids and making sure they don't do anything dangerous. Ya know,minding my damn business.

They kept looking at me like this was high school and I did something bad and the whole school knows about it. I didn't know who they were. It was the first time this happened so I wasn't sure about what I was supposed to do. Shu came back from the hotel room and I told him about it and he said just ignore them. So I did. Actually, he told me to stare back but I'd never do that coz I am just non-confrontational by nature.

It's weird coz I am not some celebrity or some Instagram model with millions of followers. I'm just me and I was minding my damn business and living my life. I don't know why but I feel like it had something to do with how I dressed. This seems to be an issue it seems. 

When I was waiting for Shu to get the car at the jetty back on mainland during our recent trip to the island, I was waiting at the playground with the kids. I wore a black dress and I had my sunglasses on. There was a lady that passed by and stared at me and said ",Oh,She's Malay........" So what if I am? WTF does that even mean? It didn't bother me so much this time coz at this point, I figured that some people just can't keep their opinions about other people that they don't know to themselves and there is nothing I can do about it.

So that is where we are at right now. Living among people who feel the need to comment and pass remarks about other people they don't know. Not just online,mind you. I don't think it will bother me but it's wild to think that someone like me who is a nobody still gets mean things said to me. I can't imagine if you are a public figure. I always feel like progressive comments are good in order to help other people move forward especially in the world of creative content creation. This is not helpful especially when you (the people who comments negative shit) are not even creating anything.

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