
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Shu was telling me how worried he is getting about raising our kids in this mad world we currently live in

 It's mad and it's a whole lot worse than before. There was a time when we would be left at home on our own as kids and we felt quite safe. We can't do that anymore. Houses get robbed and broken into within an hour. 

And then, there are pedophiles. It's sickening to think that there is such a thing and it's not something new. I did point out that 14 year-olds today are not like how I was back when I was 14. Then again, I was naive and not very good at being a typical 14 year old...........14 year olds today look like they are 18 so......there's that.........I was still asked for my identification card even when I was 21 everytime I was going anywhere where underaged kids weren't allowed in :-/

I don't know why but the more I speak about shitty crazy mofos like pedophiles, I can't help but think that my guardians didn't do a good job at keeping one at bay back when I was 15. He was 10 years older than I was. I was naive. I had no idea about a lot of things and to think that my mum kept saying he liked me the whole time..........I was 15..........how is that flattering in anyway? He was allowed into my home. He was always talking to me about sex. He was always looking at my friends around me who were my age and passing remarks about pretty they are. We were 15. My dad was a pilot so he was hardly around. 

Anyways, one day this guy went somewhere overseas and came back and said he had something for me. It was a G-string........thong.......whatever you wanna call it. I told my folks. My dad never let him back near me or our house ever.

I'm still trying to understand why my mum did let him come over even to my wedding. Growing up, I was always asked why I was 13 and did not have a boyfriend. Why I never had a social life. Why I never went out with friends or even had a lot of friends. I had friends. A small number of friends.

I don't have a social life even until today. I don't have friends to go out with. Not these days. My friends are all working and are grown up parents.

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