
Monday, October 05, 2020


 I have a rough idea of what our Halloween plans are but I can't be too sure coz this Pandemic is getting out of control again. Are people just stupid or are they just stupid? I highly doubt that relying on each individual's righteous conscience to self quarantine is ever gonna work. They won't even care to report or just care for that matter. 

Problem: Population Density <---Densed MoFos

Nadiah (Shu's brother's wife) is gonna give birth anytime soon. I hope things go well.

We just arrived at my parent's when my mum got a call from Simon about Suhaila slipping and falling and hitting her head on an edge tile and she was bleeding. They rushed her to the ER. She's fine though. She's a tough baby.

My sister cameby later after the whole hospital visit was done. She was asking me about makeup again. She bought stuff from Nita Cosmetics. They turned out to be good just as how I expected them to swatch. She was asking me about the foundation match. (Sometimes I feel like my sister and my aunt talks to me like I am a makeup expert) 

Anywho, I feel like we are all holding our breath just waiting to see what the next course of action is when it comes to this whole pandemic situation. The numbers are shooting high. Higher than before. Shu had been preparing all week last week for another lockdown. The best part about him and his sister running the firm is that they took the pay cuts but they paid all their staff full. He didn't take about 3 months salary just to save the firm. We all make sacrifices in times like this. I hope shit gets better for everyone.

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