
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Yusuf was asking me a lot about daycare

 Not that we were gonna send him to one. He was referring to a game he was playing. He asked me why kids hate going to daycare. The first thing to do was to make sure he understood what daycare was. Then, he asked why kids were sent to daycare because he used to have friends when he was in preschool who would have to stay back up till 4pm while the rest of the kids left at noon. It's hard explaining something like this to him considering he's never been left anywhere because Shu and I had to work.

I also had to make it clear to him that it's not their parents fault for having to leave them while they were at work because it would have been the safer thing to do than to leave the kids at home unattended. Being parents, we really shouldn't judge other parents for the decisions they make. We all make choices according to what our situations are and we are never on the same boat. I don't think it's right for me to pass remarks about working parents and I certainly do not expect them to understand my daily struggles as a stay-at-home mom and wife.

We make sacrifices.

Anywho, that little discussion/explanation I provided him made him realize that I quit my job to take care of him when our maid ran away when he was a year old. Also, he had seen his friends whom had to take more than just school books to school every morning because they had to stay behind until late afternoon. I haven't had a good night sleep for about 6 years now only because I would wake up at the sound of a crying baby or child. Shu would wake up early to get things done just so that I can get some sleep and I would pick things up where he left off after leaving for work in the day.

It gets easier once you get the hang of it. Kids get older and more independent as the years go by. We have more time for ourselves now than before but it's a journey. I totally admire parents who work and are able to take care of their kids at the same time 🤟

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