
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what a thing to do the moment the clock hits 12!

I was getting annoyed by Kecik who now conveniently comes into my room as and when he pleases.He was doing some really weird things like sniffing and licking the floor.Then,he started sniffing my guitar case.After that,he started messing up my room,toppled over the laundry basket and stuff.I got annoyed so I sent him out.He cleverly pushes the door open and makes his way right back into my room.I decided to put him a little further than before but as soon as I drop him onto the floor,he runs back into my room before I could get to the room door!

Shu said it's probably a way for him say Happy Birthday to me.Thanks!

Shu was the first to call to wish me the moment it turned February the 17th.LinZy and Stitch text me right after that but my damn network has expired so I can't reply any text messages nor can I make any calls!DAMN!My sister called at about 12:40am.She has a paper in the morning.

I had a fun but very tiring day.Went to classes as usual.Didn't miss any of them and I didn't miss out on anything from missing classes last week.Also,my arabic lecturer didn't mind that I missed his class last week.Seriously,I had a severe headache.I went straight to bed the moment I got home.

Anywho,went over to Cyberjaya with Shu to get LinZy.Her apartment is nice.The thing is,there a loads of nice apartments there which is selling at a quite reasonable price.It's just that Cyberjaya is all the way at one end of the universe so I'd probably get cut off from the rest of the world and if I were to go to the city for gigs or whatever,I'd have to pay tolls and more tolls.If and unless I work there in the future then I probably would consider living there.

Oh yeah,got LinZy-san and since she got her first paycheck already,she belanja-ed Shu and I for late lunch.The food was good!We headed back to campus to catch the Nusantara Theater Week's first play.Ash was part of the cast.Shu and I couldn't stay long coz I wanted to make sure that there are still trains for Shu to take back to his place.

I'm tired now but I have some things to do finish before going to bed.........Kecik is still acting weird and scaring the shit outta me!

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