
Monday, November 30, 2009


My mum,Aunty Intan and I were on the highway heading back to KL from sending Qarim over at Perak when my mum got a call from my dad which sounded like bad news.I was driving at the time so I could only listen.It turns out that there was a break-in.It was our house.My dad went out for dinner with my brothers and my cousins and my aunt and when they got home,the found that 4 out of 5 rooms of the house were all messed up.Some one broke into our house and went through all our things.Here's the worst part.They came in through MY BEDROOM WINDOW.Now,I'm totally scared.I got home and sure,I'm a bit upset that they took my laptop but when I got into my room to get some documents for the investigating officers,I realized that someone knocked down my vampire skull candle holder and all the things in it fell out.What I did not see was that the grill at my window was ripped open and that there was a foot print on Shu's computer monitor AND there was another foot print on my sister's folded mattress.WHAT THE FUCK?!They came in through my window and broke the backdoor at the kitchen to get out.All of my mother's jewelleries from her one and only jewellery box is gone.All the US dollar bils are gone.I'm not sure about my dad's secret cash stash but my laptop was definitely gone.

I'm a bit upset about everything they took coz it's OURS.I am very territorial when it comes to personal belongings :/ and I am VERY disappointed in the security of the neighbourhood.It's quite OBVIOUS that this house we moved into is NOT safe.Well,not as safe as our own house.I also suspect that these so called "security" guards that have recently popped up everywhere with their booths and stuff all over TTDI has something to do with it.I don't like them.Never did.Never will.I don't care if they are guilty or otherwise.I don't feel safe at all.Seriously,who does all the petrolling around the neighbourhood all day?Who knows better than these people about the whereabouts of the people in TTDI?Who the fuck are these people anyways?

My grandmother got mugged in BROAD DAYLIGHT at the traffic light near one of these booths.Don't tell me no one saw what happened to her especially these so called guards.She's old and now she's scared.They broke her God damn car window for crying out loud!

I'm moving away from here.PERIOD!And I don't care if we're gonna breach the contract coz it ain't worth losing our things and sense of security!

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