
Sunday, March 21, 2010

De Touch,TTDI

Spent about 60 bux to get my hair washed,blow dried and snipped off.It was worth it.I've been wanting to get my super long hair cut for too super long.Haha!

And to think that Shu and I simply walked all the way to the tiny town near my house.I was actually heading to May's shop but since it was full,I thought of getting something to drink and hungout for a bit.The killing time turned into a whole lot of drama (continuation from a prior event) and before I realized it,I was already walking away from that shop lot.As we were walking,Shu saw a huge Schwarzkopf poster outside a shop.A hair salon!They used Schwarzkopf products!ME LIKEY!

Without any hesitation,I went in and asked to get my hair washed and cut off.Shu helped me browse through a few magz and I finally decided on one style.Several,actually but they were all somewhat similar.I think it took them less than an hour to get my hair done but I was super happy with the results that I asked Shu to go for a drink with me right after leaving the shop.

We were making fun of those cops who were escorting the DYMM YDPA whom visited a fashion show at a shop near the cafe we were at.Oh yeah,Shu ordered mushroom soup and it came in a huge round bread.The top would open up like a lid and it looked really disturbing (hence the pictures on FB) and then we just started cracking disturbing jokes about it (Shu started it!) and the police at the table next to us started looking at us like we were a couple of people high on something.Ahem,it did NOT help that Shu was doing some really disturbing pose with that soup bread lid :p

We were hopping to see something funny happen to one of those drivers in them big cars like if they'd accidentally drive a wheel into the holes on the sides of the roads or something.It didn't happen.Instead,we were left with looking at a bunch of police men stuffing themselves in those tight traffic police pants (which were getting tighter!).We were contemplating on whether or not we should make fun of them out loud into their faces but we didn't.

*Actually,we forgot coz we were too busy laughing about Shu's mushroom soup bread bowl!

We were supposed to meet up with my sister after her dance class at a nearby Indian restaurant but plans changed so we walked home.Laughing and almost getting run over by huge buses<---long story :/

I need to get out of TTDI!

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