
Friday, July 10, 2020

I prefer the sound of you when you are away

Some people just are not worth being around. I can only take so much of these kinds of people. I call them "Holier  Than Thou". I'm not against religion. I'm against people who speak about religion with prejudgment towards you. They speak to you like they are better without knowing the truth about what's really going on. I have often thought these kinds of mentality is dead. Boy was I wrong. It's one thing to have an opinion about someone but if it's someone you don't even know, I'd say keep your thoughts to yourself. Especially if all you have to say about that person is negative.

I have been training myself to keep my mouth and comments and opinions to myself especially if I have nothing nice or helpful or productive to say. It's been going well. It makes it seem like I don't know anything or don't know much but I find that being opinionated just isn't worth it. At least not all the time. I also believe that every individual have their own interests and that as long as it does not involve injuring or harming anything or anyone else, I'd say " You do you,boo!"

I do have problems when you have decided to live your lives a certain way because you CHOSE to live it that way and no one else told you to do it but then,you feel the need to impose this "lifestyle" of yours onto others. It especially annoys me when you decide to make financial decisions for other people and make it sound as though if they don't follow this direction, they will be.......well,condemned in the eyes of the religion..........and it actually does not.........

These are the same types of people who starts protests about animal rights but at the end of the day does not take in the animals under their custody themselves. Erm, I believe in animal rights but not when I cannot provide a solution to the existing problem. It really isn't helping at all.

Anyways, I cannot be around people who think that being on the "path of righteousness" means you cannot have fun and laugh and just have a good time. I'm a hedonist........at least that's what my dad says. I most probably am. I'm a laid back and jam with my guitar and have good company and good coffee type of person. I'd love me a good round of live music. I also like certain things that money can buy because I am human. I also enjoy helping other people whenever I can,however I can and not make a big fuss about it. It's just not helpful. 

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