
Saturday, February 27, 2021

We have come here for you, and we're coming in peace

Mothership will take you on higher, higher
This world you live in is not a place for someone like you
Come on, let us take you home

Someone sent me a text message. Jokes. At first glance, I was thinking "boomer jokes". Then, I read it out loud to Shu. Then he pointed out that it was more like a millennial thing. I was a bit confused. I don't even know what the correct category is anymore coz everyone seem to think that it's a problem. Or not. 

Anywho, I don't find it funny. Not in the slightest bit. Shu's reaction was "Maybe that's why they are not happy" which totally made sense. I have never felt like being married is a problem. I don't feel superior or inferior to Shu being my spouse. There never was a competition between us in terms of gender or responsibility because I think the household works because we each play our part and we still help eachother out whenever we need to.

It's always weird to me whenever someone says being married is "tied down" to one person. It wouldn't be marriage otherwise. The jokes went along the lines of "being married to one idiot and taking criticism from one idiot instead of being appreciated by loads of others" Well, if you are not happy with the person you agreed on marrying in the first place, maybe you wouldn't be where you are. Actually, you have the liberty to walk out at any time you want because at the end of the day, it's your life after all.

They go on to things like "I'm stuck here with this idiot" and I'm like "why don't you just leave?" Are you feeling insecured about being alone? Are you not able to secure a place on your own? Are you enjoying your lifestyle but not your company? If you really do feel like you are much better than your spouse or partner then I don't think it's a successful partnership to begin with. It's just you whining about how much greener the grass is on the other side but you don't seem to have the guts to actually go ahead and leave.

It's really strange to me. I don't ever think of anyone else less than myself. Especially Shu. He's the smartest person I know. I'm not better than him or I've never looked at our relationship as a competition. He feels like I have done things for the family which he cannot do. Again,we are in this together,playing our parts. We are not alike in terms of personality but that is what makes it fun. We appreciate our differences and workout our disagreements. We don't always agree on the same things but we meet eachother halfway.

It's kinda weird that the person who sent me the joke is also the same person who told me years ago that marriage is about meeting eachother halfway and working out our differences. Maybe it really was just a joke after all. Just not a very funny one.

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