
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Eeno got married today!

 My mum called me a couple of days ago as I was waiting for Shu to get Yusuf from school. I was in the car. I had just rained so heavily. Out of the quietness, my phone rang and it was my mum. She said "I have something to tell you......" Usually, my thoughts would be "What did I do now?" Turns out, she wanted to tell me that Eeno was getting married......on the 11th.......at 11am.........So,my immediate response was "Sale Day! Great!" It was funnier in my head........

Anywho, the day arrived and I have another sister (in-law) I love it! I have 2 new sisters (in-law) this year! This is so awesome!

Earlier this week, I was tagged by Ili on IG. She was expressing how much she appreciates girlfriends like me and a few other girls from school. We've known each other forever. She was saying how much she appreciates us for being more supportive instead of bitching behind her back and stuff. I've known Ili since we were about 8 years old. She and her sister, Dini are like family to me and my family. We used to hangout till sunset and her mum used to have to phone our house to get them to go home for dinner and stuff. It was hilarious.I was sad when her mum died coz I've known her forever.

I'd never say or do things that I wouldn't want to be done to me coz it really hurts and it's non-productive or helpful in any way. Also, I am a believer of karma,big time. I digress. Yeah, we've known each other since we were kids. I just couldn't reply much coz I am not good with social media especially Instagram. I also don't spend that much time browsing stuff like IG or whatever. I like to spend time learning new things so I am most likely on YouTube watching some how-to video.

Oh yeah, it's also been a busy week coz Yusuf is back in school so our day starts before 6am and by 7pm,we are usually done with dinner and by 9pm, I am already tucked in bed. I decided to workout earlier in the day instead of 3pm-ish coz that way, I'd have more time with Shu and the kids. Besides, Ali Imran finishes school at about 1pm so after that, it's lunch time and things get hectic again.

I cannot imagine what school days are gonna be like if Shu doesn't get up and cook everyday. I don't think I can get anything done without Shu, honestly. It's just hectic coz we've been out of it for a long while and now,we have to resume our schedule just like before and we're kinda like trying to pick up the pace still.

Safiyya will be going to school next year and it's gonna be even more hectic unless she's being a good sport and actually wants to get ready for school -_-

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