Saturday, February 28, 2009
Oh yeah,we (Shu and I) watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button after my class this morning.I am not a fan of Fitzgerald but the movie was not bad.Some parts are a bit slow but it was nice.
I love the fact that we finally got time out to watch those 2 movies coz we've been wanting to watch them since they first came out but we were swarmed with work.It doesn't feel so bad to not do anything work-related sometimes.
Was at my aunt's place for dinner.My uncle found a kitten in a drain somewhere near my aunt's place while we were hanging out at the porch.It must be less than a month old.Maybe slightly more.He (I assume it's a male kitten) was hungry and cold so we brought him in and fed him a little.He got comfortable when we left.That's a good sign.Hopefully,he'll stick around.I call him Hitler coz he has a white face but there's this black line under his nose which looks like a moustache ^_^ He's chomel!
Friday, February 27, 2009
7 facts you may not know about me
- I wrote my first song when I was 15 or 16 years old.
- I'd go with my acoustic guitar over the electric guitar anytime.
- I fell in love when I was 17 and I am ever so thankful to be given a second chance to carry on loving this person now and insyallah for many years to come.
- I am an animal lover.
- I was suppose to have another sister (apart from Wani) but my mum had a miscarriage.
- I am afraid of heights and small spaces.
- I love doing my own thing (on my own) than going along in groups (big or small).
7 things that scare me
- losing the people I love
- heights
- small spaces
- things that can sting
- playing a show and my guitar string snaps in the middle of the show.DAMN IT!I hate it when that happens during jamming sessions!
- not being able to do the things I like
- losing my freedom
7 songs that I like most
- 7 is way too few to be narrowed down.I'm a music lover.Can't select songs coz all songs are different and unique in their own way.........
7 phrases that I say the most
- What The FUCK?!
- Move bitch,get outta my way! (when I'm driving)
- Whatcha dooooin'?
- Kiotsuke!Me wo kuishibare!
- Pekopon-JIN/Pekopon!
- Baka!
- Kore wa KANTOI desu!
7 of my precious things
- my guitar
- my band
- my music files
- my cables
- my distortion pedal
- my notebook
- cars (in general regardless if I drive them)
7 memorable first times
- the first time I met Shu
- my first date with Shu
- my first kiss
- my first jamming session in a band
- my first time playing a song I wrote in public
- my first time driving
- my first time watching Avril Lavigne LIVE IN KL (with SHU!)
7 friends to tag
- Shu
- you readers (maybe more than 7 peeps huh? ;p)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
thanks to 2nd Class Private Foxburr-san...........
Of course,things like how the hell am I supposed to withdraw such a HUGE amount of cash in a day just to get my name cleared off never crossed their minds.........
So,after hanging around not being able to do anything at all at about 11am this morning,my mum finally called me and changed the plan completely.Shu and I headed home to get the cash from my mum.Banked in the stash and we could only get started on settling the entire mess at 2pm onwards coz the Finance Unit closes for lunch break at 12:30pm.
*more sighing*
Shu actually helped me by getting a headstart at lining up at the finance unit.I had a class at 2pm for crying out loud!Have they no idea how many classes I have sacrificed in order to get this crappy mess out of my head?!Bakara Pekopon-jin!
Thank you so much for helping me out today,Foxburr-san!
de arimasu!
after much deliberation.........
Anywho,there are only 8 of us in that class.Well,before this there were about 13 of us.2 got kicked out for certain reasons.1 dude just disappeared after about half a month of classes.Dr. Wejdan's sarcasm is just awesome!Also,he'd sometimes blurt out funny things only coz my classmates are a bunch of goof.
Earlier in the semester,I thought EAP was gonna be the ultimate highlight coz I really suck at writing academic stuff.Dr. Salim is actually pretty laid back.He doesn't really pressure us with work.Instead,he'd be telling us a whole bunch of stories in class.
My Fiqh class are on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.10am till about 11am.I've never taken classes with Dr. Affandi before.Turns out,he is one funny dude.He draws a lot and he loves placing bets when it comes to answering questions in classes.Usually,he'd bet on things he knows we aren't really sure of.His drawings are usually completed with names and fine details.
The other class I'd usually miss is Dr. Chuah's Methods of Da'wah.I think it's coz it drags on till about 1:20pm and I have Arabic at 2pm on the same day.
As much as it sucks to get up super early on Saturday mornings,I really3 lurve going for my Automotive Skills class.I've learned so much in that class and I never regret asking questions about cars coz I'd never know otherwise.My instructors are superkool people and I am getting quite comfortable around the Engineering Workshop ^_^
Anywho..........Qarim's VISA might not get clearence coz he's not in school and he's not working.He might get left behind and my mum will be leaving on March 12th with Azim.That would really suck!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
i'm not rajin........
I don't think I'll be sticking around for the gathering.I have to get home and start working.
Yes,the invasion on Pekopon has begun!Watch your backs,Pekopon-jin!
just as I was about to look forward to a calmer week.......
Hah!After all the headache I went through last weekend doing all the work and presentation and studying for Monday and Tuesday,I have to brace myself for more work to come in the coming week T_T
It doesn't help that while doing my Arabic midterm,I had the Keroro Gunsou song playing over and over in my head!I don't do well when it comes to thinking without scribbling on some paper........couldn't do that on the Arabic question paper coz we had to write our answers in it and then pass it up.Still,I think I scribbled a bit of hiragana here and there.........and probably some one-word questions in romaji!
This morning,I was trying to write the groupwork paper properly but the voice of Hang Tuah (Stephen-Rahman Hughes) from PGL The Musical kept playing over and over in my head coz I woke up with the song he sang throughout the Malacca theme..........NVM............
I really need to get Keroro's voice out of my head!Tamama's too!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm worried about Shu's condition.He said he pulled a muscle while playing badminton the other day.Then,today he said he can't put pressure on his right leg.He looks so much in pain when ever he walks so I keep telling him to sit down.Funny thing is,I was the one who played badminton with bare feet.He couldn't have possibly cracked a bone coz his leg isn't swollen.I just hope he'll get better.
We're both suffering from a severe back pain thanks to sitting at the computer all day trying to finish off work and stuff.My work,mostly.
Oh yeah,my uncle called me and told me to head over to my aunt's place ASAP coz Aunty Maz was home alone and she said she saw some people trying to break into the house and that she was scared.Shu and I headed over to my uncle's place to get him and then we went to my aunt's place.By the time we got there,my aunt was already home from work and Aunty Maz said that the police had already checked the place and left.
Thank God nothing happened........
Kecik has finally learned the art of climbing over the walls and the gate.Now,he spends his nights climbing the tree outside.I just hope he won't get stuck.His eyes have turned gold-ish now and sooner or later,he won't be so kecik anymore.Ezuan says that he's fat now.He's long-ish and bigger but probably not fat eventhough he eats so much more than the other cats in the house./
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I went to watch the musical last year but I sat higher up at the balcony.This time around,Shu picked some suh-weet spots for us.Got to to watch the play up- close.I could actually see (and hear) the musicians play live music throughout the entire show!And of course,I saw every single detail of the costumes and props!
Got home at about midnight and I think I finally got some sleep at about 1am.Got up at 6:45am this morning for my automotive skills class at 8am.Now,I am studying for the midterm paper tonight.Maybe I should sleep-in for a bit tomorrow morning and then start studying for my other midterm paper on Monday.......then again,I do have a presentation at noon on that same day.Hmm......I guess I'll be kissing that sweet ol' sleep-in goodbye!
Oh yeah!And that DVD assignment is due on Tuesday!
Watashi wa penat desu!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I used to have time to observe and then think over the things I see
Then again,one of the other reasons I just couldn't bring myself to be serious about the things around me anymore is because watching or reading news would either annoy the shit outta me or it would just ruin my day.
For example,my mum and I were at the bank tonight and when we stepped out,a boy gave us salam.He's only 14 and he's from a school all the way in Port Dickson.He was there trying to sell us some balm in order to help him get money for his school or something.When my mum asked,he said his teacher was coming to get him and he has school in the morning.I don't know about my mum but I felt really sorry for the poor kid.
I often wonder what I could do to prevent kids from having to do such things regardless if they are orphans (or not).I just think it's completely unfair for the kids.And then,I saw some kids doing some street dance thingy on TV while I was at Aunty Intan's.Kids who probably have nothing else better to do.Ok,dancing in public places is harmless.But I do wonder if that is all they ever do coz I've seen some kids younger than those on that show who are working so hard to earn a living.
I don't like watching kids having to do things they aren't supposed to do like begging or doing odd jobs when they are supposed to be in school.Why are there still kids out there living at a minimum and having to pay a price for something which is not their fault to begin with?Most kids don't have a choice but to work I suppose while other kids just give up either coz they already have what they need or simply because they just don't care.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
ki o tsuke!me o kushibare!
Anywho,headed over to UNITEN after that.Shu made plans for the evening and he had already requested for permission from my folks about a month ago.He said that his plans were only supposed to begin at about 7:30pm-ish but since there were last minute changes,we met up at about 4pm.
We didn't do much in the day but at about 6pm,we headed over to Mutiara Damansara.Shu took me to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. for dinner.I've never been there.The food was supernice!Oh yeah,their traditional birthday celebration may not exactly be like Uncle Chillies or TGIF but I still had to stand on a chair and shake my booty!I'll upload a video soon........hik hik hik<---laughing like Kururu
what a thing to do the moment the clock hits 12!
Shu said it's probably a way for him say Happy Birthday to me.Thanks!
Shu was the first to call to wish me the moment it turned February the 17th.LinZy and Stitch text me right after that but my damn network has expired so I can't reply any text messages nor can I make any calls!DAMN!My sister called at about 12:40am.She has a paper in the morning.
I had a fun but very tiring day.Went to classes as usual.Didn't miss any of them and I didn't miss out on anything from missing classes last week.Also,my arabic lecturer didn't mind that I missed his class last week.Seriously,I had a severe headache.I went straight to bed the moment I got home.
Anywho,went over to Cyberjaya with Shu to get LinZy.Her apartment is nice.The thing is,there a loads of nice apartments there which is selling at a quite reasonable price.It's just that Cyberjaya is all the way at one end of the universe so I'd probably get cut off from the rest of the world and if I were to go to the city for gigs or whatever,I'd have to pay tolls and more tolls.If and unless I work there in the future then I probably would consider living there.
Oh yeah,got LinZy-san and since she got her first paycheck already,she belanja-ed Shu and I for late lunch.The food was good!We headed back to campus to catch the Nusantara Theater Week's first play.Ash was part of the cast.Shu and I couldn't stay long coz I wanted to make sure that there are still trains for Shu to take back to his place.
I'm tired now but I have some things to do finish before going to bed.........Kecik is still acting weird and scaring the shit outta me!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
ai kotaba wa!afro gunsou!
Today must be Kecik's worst day ever!Early this morning,he was scolded for climbing up onto the dining table and then spilling a whole cup of coffee.Shu said my sister was the one who freaked him out.Still,mum wasn't happy with what happened.
Then,Shu and I took him to the park to go get Azim from his archery class.We let Kecik run around for a bit but when he got super insane all of the sudden and ran under a car,we picked him up.Shu said he has to take a bath coz he messed up his fur and his feet was covered with mud.
Shu went ahead and bathed the little furball.He wasn't very pleased with that.Then,as Kecik was happily cleaning and drying his fur,he got another shock coz my dad's friend started his huge bike that made Kecik jump.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Shu shot some arrows at the archery club booth.We saw some performance by the wataniah club.It was kinda weird and funny but it was entertaining.Of course,I enjoyed watching the performance by the gamelan club.Well,it wasn't a gamelan performance but the same people performed music using all those traditional musical instruments.Shu and I tried to climb up the ladder tower thingy built by the scouts but after on step,I decided to go back down coz I do have problems with heights.Shu then totally nailed the ps2 car racing game back at my booth but we had to leave anyways so after the preliminaries.
I slept from 4pm-ish all the way to about 6:30pm.I couldn't sleep last night.I don't know whether it was because it was too hot or whatever but as soon as I was about to doze off,Rashid called me asking me to open the house door.It was 12:50am.He got back from jamming.Shu was already fast asleep.
Well,getting up at 6:30am wasn't so bad after all.I think my day went pretty well.Too bad I couldn't stay on till the end of the whole event on campus today.
Friday, February 13, 2009
bakara PEKOPON!
Oh yeah,Shu and I are gonna give Kecik a piece of our minds later!He ran to the roadside and almost got knocked down by a car.......or some cars for that matter.Cars move really2 fast on the road opposite my house and for Kecik to pull a stunt like that,he was lucky that the first car slowed down coz he would have been gone.Shu and I shall put up a signboard on the roadside that says "PLEASE SLOW DOWN.CATS CROSSING"
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
attention world!
seeing shades of sakura pink

I've been designing......thingys........invitation cards.......rings.........haven't gotten around to the clothes yet............
Fell asleep on my bedroom floor in the afternoon.I've been supertired and supersleepy.I am getting a bit sick of campus these days.Finally picked up the acoustic guitar and worked on some new tunes.
Shu's friends told him they enjoyed our performance and our songs the other night.That's good.We've been wanting to hear what people have to say about our songs rather than watch us perform only coz we're playing music.WE NEED a BLOODY DEMO!Actually,I was thinking of getting an EP out but our songs are a wee bit too hard to choose in order to be put into an EP coz every song is different.We'll sort that out later in the week.
I am on duty to look after the automotive skill booth on Saturday.8am-1pm.Since we only have 2 time slots to choose from,I figured that Sunday nights are always meant for jamming sessions.It's good enough that we were given a choice.I'm really trying to help out my mates.I just don't get those who'd use midterms as excuses.WTF?!Everyone has midterms and important things to do as well!
jakun FidZy!
I haven't been getting enough sleep and I am constantly doing research on something pertaining to the huge bulk of assignments I have get done ASAP!
Joke of the week:(introducing my bandmates on stage while performing the other night)On lead guitar,Kamal.......Rashid on the drums.....both are from UiTM.......only Shu is from UNITEN........and I am from........(long pause) somewhere........
In-sanity person/cat of the week:Still Kecik........
I need to get my head straightened out today.Can't go on like this.I have a month and a half more till the semester ends!Damn it!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
sometimes......everything is just too much to take......
I am talking about a very specific thing here.Still,it could be applied to most other things we go through.
I'm sick of crying and still unable to make things better.I try so hard to just brush them aside and pretend that it doesn't bother me but I can't.Coz it does bother me and for as long as I cannot just learn to adapt and compromize,I can't move from this spot.It kills me.A lot.I can't imagine what it's gonna be like after this.
I don't want to take action over something really huge just because I have to.I wanna do it coz I want to.Right now,I know I want to but there's just so many things I would have to consider........and probably reconsider.
Is this what growing up does to a person?Drives them mad coz of things which cannot be avoided?
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Mazlan's class never fails to make me laugh
Had a good lepak session with Lina today.It was raining super heavily and I was freezing the whole time.Cold weather takes up a whole lot of energy coz the body is trying its very best to keep us warm.That's why I love running in the rain........
Anywho,I've been thinking about a lot of things and so many things gets messed up in my head.I was trying so hard to find a way to convey these mixed thoughts and feelings I've been keeping to myself for so long.I finally sorted them all out into words.The timing was just perfect.I was talking to the right person at the right time and that lead me to asking so many more other questions about where I'm headed with all these big decisions I am making or I am about to make.I wouldn't say I've got it cleared out already.I am still trying to find the best solution for this particular emotional landslide.
Either ways,I'm gonna have to come to a decision in the end.I am still going to be the one to call the shots at the end of the day.I just can't decide now.I'm tired and my mind is still full of thoughts from Lina and my mum as well as the judgements I've made.
Monday, February 02, 2009
laughing out loud alone
Sunday, February 01, 2009
99.5% there! ;)
The thing is,of all things for me to do on Saturday mornings is having to get up at 6:45am and hit the shower!And of all things to happen during class yesterday was having to squeeze in 2 lessons at one go.I don't mind the part where I had to get under the car to take out the rear absorbers.Actually,I don't mind having automotive classes at all.I just got tired later in the day.
Took my aunty out to the mall coz she wanted to get her PC and she (like myself) has no time to do leisurely things during the week days.A promise is a promise.Shu and I took her to the computer store and finally she got herself the computer she wanted at a reasonable price (thanks to Shu's negotiating technics ;)
She then insisted on having a drink with us.So we did.After that we rushed back to clean ourselves up and get ready in time for the kenduri over at Aunty Intan's place.It ended at about 11pm-ish........well,we (Shu,myself as well as my brothers) helped clean up where ever that needed cleaning up.
Anyways.......got up and finally got dressed at about noon-ish today.Headed straight for aunty's place coz she needed help setting up her PC.At the same time,we had to get there before she left for the airport coz Anas Bananas was leaving for Penang at about4pm-ish.
After a quick lunch with my aunty,Anas and Aunty Maz,Shu and I decided to head over to Gloria Jean's at The Curve coz Lin's sister-Yan,is working there.I thought I should just go over to say hey to her.Spent some time there on my notebook,getting some work done.Then,we were gonna just stroll a little bit before going home but something happened..........I heard drumming and cymbals.........there was a lion dance performance!I grabbed Shu and ran straight for the stage area!It was awesome!Later on,as we walked some more,we heard more drumming upstairs.Yamaha BeatSpot had some blessing ceremony going on in front of the shop so we stayed on to watch.We headed over to Ikano for a bit.Got into a card designing shop.Hah!We got some pretty good ideas on our wedding invitations cards from there :p
Anywho,we walked some more and heard drums and different form of cymbals.There was a Dragon dance/blessing ceremony happening upstairs.That was fun.I've never seen a Dragon dance before.
I'd say my Chinese New Year isn't so bad this year..........well,not as bad I supposed.We did get home in time to catch a breather before the jamming session at 8:30pm.Ayie shall not be performing with us looking at his father's condition.We agreed that he should prioritize him more than anything should he is not able to carry on anymore.In the meantime,Shu will be our sessionist for the grad night which by the way,shall be happening this Friday at
Palace of The Golden Horses!
I am so very worked up on this show coz eventhough we know our songs well,anything can happen and we must all take really careful steps in getting there.We'll be jamming over at LabRat in Shah Alam on Thursday night.
Until then,hopefully all goes well with everyone..........may the year of the Ox open some new doors for us all ;)