
Sunday, June 21, 2009

weirded out

Had a paper yesterday morning.As usual,exam starts at 9am.I got to campus super early coz I had no idea where the Instructional lab was.I know.It's weird to have an exam there of all places.It's the finals for God's sake!Anywho,Shu and I got there about 45 minutes before 9am.No one was there and the lab was locked.I started freaking out.Called up some friends and asked what was going on.Someone said that I had to go get the keys from the office upstairs.Not surprising at all,the office was closed.Shu and I hung around downstairs and my lecturer turned up.He asked where everyone else was.Some more girls showed up later and we decided to have the exam in a classroom.I know that there are only 6 of us in the class but that doesn't mean that we can do our exams where ever.One of my classmate turned up 5 minutes before 9am and the other guy didn't show up.It felt like we were doing our midterms instead of our finals.


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