
Saturday, August 15, 2009


Spiritually speaking,I've been down in the dumps these days.I can't bring myself to talk much to anyone except Shu,of course,who is also not up for anything these days.It's weird coz we have so much to do but we just cannot bring ourselves to actually do it.

Kamal came by today with his new guitar.Les Paul copy,sunburst yellowish brown,one piece by Craftman.It's really nice and the sustainability is better.So much better.He wanted a test run at it by going jamming tonight.Can't do that since Rashid has a jamming session with Rustic Rose tonight.Shu,Rashid,Ash,Kamal and I ended up listening to Kamal playing his new 6-strings on the house amplifier.Oh yeah,he also traded in his toasted floor pedal with a new one FOC.

*I must have a look at this music store he's been telling us about!*

Anyways,Shu managed to get Kamal onto the field at the park today for a little rugby match.2 other kids joined us along with Ash.The game didn't last very long coz everyone got tired after a while.Shu and I ended up shooting hoops later on and we headed home when it started raining again.

BTW,here's a pic of Aimi's completely wrecked car from the accident some weeks ago........

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