
Friday, September 04, 2009

instead of being sick and locked up all by myself

I figured maybe I should go out and spread the virus tomorrow and let the whole world fall sick.Why waste this opportunity to do something for the world?

Hahahahahahahaaaa!!!!!!!!!<---evil laugh

Shu has been hugging and kissing and temaning me eat and talking to me and sometimes he doesn't even wear a mask.I cried to him today.I can't take this anymore.He offered to sneak me out today but we didn't coz my folks were around.He wanted to take me to the park.

It's not like I could kill someone.I could kill myself most likely coz I am still in a recovering state but seriously,does it really take a whole 7 days to keep me in?I don't want to take those fluhalt pills anymore coz seriously,they could kill me.I was fine before I started taking them.Yeah,I had a temperature and some head throbbing at times but after 2 days (1 day actually) it was gone and I am fine.My nose is stuck coz I cried not because of some flu.

I'm gonna start sneezing out the window and see what's gonna happen ^_^

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