
Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm waiting for Foxburr-san to get back ASAP so that we can go over to SPCA.We have to get that crazy tiny kitten vaccinated.I know that he's been a bit bored ever since Kecik got himself castrated.They used to wrestle with eachother all the time.Maybe Kecik is till in a bit of pain.Maybe Kecik just doesn't want to wrestle anymore.I dunno.

All I know is that Kecik and that crazy kitten are the best of friends.I really don't want them to go separate ways.


I laugh everytime I think about that time when Shu and I were walking in the rain meredah banjir on the way to his house from the surau.He kept cursing at the kids who went around near us on motorbikes or bicycles coz everytime they pass by water would splash at us from their wheels.Everytime he cursed,he'd sound like a real Pak Cik.It was really funny!

1 comment:

Gregory Foxburr said...

hahaha.i knw.i sounded like a pakcik.damn!haha.i love you.i'l b back asap k sayang