
Monday, September 05, 2011

smoking cigar on the hotel balcony


If only we had weed!

Raya was fun while it lasted. The whole week is over now. Work starts tomorrow. I have a whole new list of things to do and get. Strange. I usually don't make lists. Then again, I don't smoke either. Hahaha! I just told Shu that I have never smoked a cigar before so he decided to stop by at the convenient store and got one of those Cuban cigars and we gave it a shot. It was fun. I was coughing so much and laughing.

Speaking of which, I was laughing so hard in the car a while ago thinking about Shu's mishaps for Friday prayers and random prayer times.

Oh yeah, the other day, I saw Shu's niece laughing out loud so hard about random things which made me laugh out loud too and the irony of it all was that everyone was trying to get her to be quiet. I couldn't help it. She was laughing so hard and it made me laugh out hard too :p

Anywho, Shu's folks are the nicest people I have ever met ^_^ and I had fun. The BBQ session my brother-in-laws had for us all was fun too. I had a blast.

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