
Thursday, May 23, 2013


We took Yusuf to his follow up (check up) at HKL yesterday.The appointment was set at 2pm but we got there earlier coz we weren't sure where the building was and what we had to do.Shu dropped us off at the pediatric building and parked the car elsewhere coz the place was PACKED. He parked all the way at IJN :p

I got Yusuf registered and weighed and measured and then we waited for our turn. There were so many people but there were a lot of doctors on duty and plenty of room for everyone. It turns out that the doctor who checked Yusuf was the doctor who came to see him the morning after he arrived at HKL.She was aware of Yusuf's condition and she thought Yusuf seemed very healthy. Alhamdulillah.

However, we asked her about what Yusuf's pediatrician said to us last week about Yusuf's head growth. There a growth chart used by the hospital in Bangi and HKL have their own chart. So after doing a bit of measurement and comparison, we decided to get Yusuf's head scanned anyways just to be safe. We were referred to the radiology department to get an ultrasound scan done on Yusuf's soft head.

Alhamdulillah, everything seemed alright eventhough Yusuf was crying so loud and hard through it all coz he was sleepy and in shocked when we placed him onto the hospital bed. After the scan, we headed back to the clinic area to get the printed photos sorted out and explained.

While waiting, I was distracted by the babies and toddlers around me. There were 2 sets of twins and a very tiny 4 month old baby. Yusuf seemed rather big compared to the 4 month old baby beside me.The doctor said its coz he is fully breastfed so he is healthy and strong. Then again, Shu said the baby I was looking at looked small but he/she weighed just 1kg less than Yusuf's current weight :p

After 2 hours, we finally were able to leave. I just so thankful to know that Yusuf is alright :)

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