
Saturday, August 13, 2022

You know the lyrics and I know the melody

 So sing along and write a song about you

I was supposed to have gone for a sailing class last Saturday but I cancelled coz I was feeling a bit off. After that, I got a bit sick. I was going to get some meds at a local clinic but I had to test myself for Covid before going. If I tested negative, then I'd proceed to the clinic.........

Well....... I tested positive for the big C. I was quite shocked considering that I hardly ever go anywhere. I think I must have contracted it from Yusuf coz he was a bit sick a few days prior to the day I did the test. It's very strange coz I wasn't feverish or coughing.

The next day, I started having muscle throbs. Mostly on my neck and it started going up the the back of my head. That sucked big time. I had a hard time sleeping. I couldn't sleep for about a week. I was on meds that I'd never take unless it was an absolute emergency. This was the emergency. The paracetamols and painkillers weren't working. I had to take something stronger in conjunction with the paracetamols.

I hated it. The pain. The meds. All of it. I only took the heavy meds like 3 times. I was pushing myself to get better because being this sick was really unproductive and a huge waste of time. I hardly could leave the house coz I'm asleep till noon. Shu was in much better condition. He was on cough meds and some paracetamols here and there.

It's been a whole week since that week and we're still unwell health wise. We've tested negative last week but the headaches and coughs just won't go away. I couldn't get up for sailing class this morning coz my headache was severe and I felt it throughout the day.

I've worked out twice so far and although I didn't fail to complete the routines, I didn't feel like it was a good workout 😑 I really need to get better........ 

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