
Thursday, March 12, 2009


Mum left with Azim and Qarim at about 6:30 this morning.They probably had just arrived in Stockholm (I think).They're on their way to Michigan to see Eno-san.After all the problems Qarim went through in getting his VISA,he's finally on his wy there already.His SPM results is coming out tomorrow (I think).

In the meantime,I am stuck with classes (still).Will be at home with my dad and Shu till they (mum,Q &A) come back.My grandma will be around the house in the afternoons till about 10pm.Kak Yah comes in the morning and leaves at about 5pm like she always does.My sister and Rashid will be home during the weekends.

I have a band meeting on Saturday at about 4pm over at Ayie's workplace.No idea if there'll be any jamming sessions.

Anywho,my head had been throbbing since morning.I think its migraine.I usually don't get migraines.Maybe its coz I got up superearly this morning (5:30am-ish) and I haven't been able to sleep since my mum left.Managed to get myself to class on time this morning but because my head's been throbbing off and on,I just couldn't go on with classes.Shu is also sick.He's been sick for a few days now.

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