
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

back to blow drying

Today's record is by far the most times I have ever gone back and forth to the mall in less than 12 hours.Well,I was woken up by my mum coz she told Shu and I that she was going for a movie trip with my dad and my 2 brothers so we'd better find something to do coz they were gonna lock up the house.I had to get ready in a hurry (something I really3 hate doing)

I drove Shu to the mall where we supposed to get his company logo stamp done.We tried doing some modifying coz there were too many details in our design and it might clog up the rubber stamp if the size if inappropriate.That would seriously suck!

I was going around looking for something to protect my hair before I start styling it again.Came across something by Tony and Guy AND I got myself a new hair styler!I figured it's the fastest way to get my hair dried and sorted out properly.......so that it won't look so unruly and frizzy.

I really hate sales girls (or guys) who'd follow you really close when you are browsing for things in a shop coz I'd get so annoyed and irritated and it really disrupts my concentration.And I especially HATE it when they ask you in tones which you can't really make out what they are saying and then they give you this annoyed look.HELL-O?!It's not my fault that you cannot speak properly!Coz maybe if you spoke clearly I would have at least understood what you were saying!!!

Anyways.........Snow Bear totally surprised all of us last night.Shu,my mum and I were in the lounge watching some TV and suddenly,I felt something moving at my legs (I was sitting on the floor).I was totally spooked out.I looked down and found Bedah trying to find her way around.It turns out that Snow Bear managed to get her out from her little home WITHOUT having to take the lid off and he brought her (Bedah) to me and then,he walked off.

This kitten is very strange.He does the strangest things.Things which you'd never think anyone would do especially cats!

Well,I'll be off to designing again......or rather.....RE-designing ;)

P.S. :- I found my dad's shoe horns and discovered a new way of making use of those things.I invented a new dance move with them! ^_^ I'll try to get a better video of my new dance move and post it up real soon :p

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