
Saturday, April 27, 2024

It's hard to be a social person

 When every damn time someone texts in or calls and starts a conversation with "Hey, how are you?" or "How are the kids? You guys ok?" , they never really mean or care about how you really are. They would sometimes just start a small conversation heading towards wanting to borrow money. It wouldn't be a problem if they were regularly in contact with us. They usually aren't. 

It gets worse when they want to borrow money from you and it usually isn't a small amount and they'd get all aggressive. Making it look like you are a bad person for not wanting to help. It's so weird!

What's even weirder is that they have never been nice to you or your family ever. They'd ask for money like the only people with problems is them. And when you refuse to help (because you too have your problems to deal with), they'd act like you are the enemy. That is the only thing that they'd remember you for. Not all those other times you've helped them.

So yeah, I don't think I like socializing very much. I honestly think that if they'd wanna sell you something is still not half as bad as just asking for money. Believe me, they say borrow but they never pay you back. Like ever. It's so sick to think that people made this a norm. 

I am not on anyone's favourite person list and I really don't care. I like spending my money however I want and if you fucked up your finances because you couldn't fucking control your shit, that is NOT my problem.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Had a little get-together today

 It wasn't for our friends. Shu and I don't have a social life. Our kids do. At the very last minute, they decided to invite their friends over for a Hari Raya gathering. Shu and I had to look for last minute food and drinks. Safiyya invited her best friend from kindergarten with her family over. Yusuf had a friend over. Ali Imran had a friend over who came over with his mum and brother and sister. Yusuf's friend and Ali Imran's friend stayed till 5pm-ish. Everyone else left. We had a lot of leftover food so we gave them to our neighbours coz there was no way we could finish them all.

It was good. Safiyya's friend's parents kinda know us so we were chatting for a bit. We got to know Ali Imran's friend's mom. It was fun. Short but fun.

My mind wandered into the world of chibis while Shu is going to have to prepare more paperwork for upcoming projects. Being adults is fun but not like gaming fun ^_^

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Geng Raya 2024

 I think despite everything that's been happening, we've had a pretty successful Ramadhan and Eid. It's been so hot back at home but for some reason, everything had been very smooth sailing for us. We've been taking it easy and things had been pretty laid back for us. We had no problems overcoming minor problems which was close to nothing and everyone whom we thought would cause us problems haven't been causing problems. We kept things simple and we had a happy month ^_^

I've always hated travelling by car to KL but things had been really great. We went shopping. Got all the things we needed. We met everyone we set out to meet this year. It's been a blast! I think we've checked off our list of things to do and all there is left to do is to head home and move forward. I need to get my studio back in shape. I also need to work on courses. Hopefully, I can get my resume together and soon, I can have a new schedule. 

I try to set goals as I go along and so far, I just need to cross the marks in fulfilling those goals because it's just about waiting for the time to arrive. Everything else I should have done in order to get there has already been done. It's just about waiting now. 

Oh yeah, I need to see how our car is doing in the workshop. I really like our old car. Sure, it's a 3.7 litre 4WD but the leather seats with built-in heating and the sunroof and the subwoofer surround sound is just something I don't think I can get from the newer cars today. Also, I hate having to adjust myself to new dimensions of driving new cars. I don't even like driving.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

the funny thing about people

 Sometimes.......I spend time and energy giving advice. Usually, whenever I do, it's not for the immediate time and space........I am usually told to just not be useful or helpful because things weren't as bad.......and then, a few years down the road, shit gets bad. I mean really bad.........and for some reason, I still bother to give advice because.....I dunno......I'm just stupid. And it never sticks and they still choose to do something stupid and random........I refuse to be part of it now. If you can cast me aside back then, I am pretty sure I am still viewed as such now..........I refuse to lift a finger to help. That's my stand. You can suck it! 😂 All of you! 😜😄😁