
Thursday, December 27, 2012

53 days and counting

My tummy isn't that huge according to most people but I feel like I am gonna pop real soon. I've heard stories from friends and family about how they did not see the baby coming and the next thing they know, they were rushing to the hospital. I kinda like to not panic or freak out coz I know myself better than anyone and when I do freak out, things could get messy.

My butt hurts. Maybe its coz my pelvic is expanding and so my bones are moving, making way for the coming baby. I am estimating the baby would weigh about 2.5-3kg. I read that the bigger they are, the more pain. Well, labor is pain. It is said to be the most painful of all pain one could ever imagine. I try not to think about it.

I have been trying to keep myself occupied with small chores around the house like cleaning the dishes and doing laundry and ironing clothes. On better days, I would vacuum the floor. I have problems sleeping at night in the last couple of weeks.I can't sleep on the bed anymore so I have been pretty much falling asleep on the couch. My legs hurt when I sleep on beds. No idea why.

I've been watching a lot of animal documentaries lately. They keep me happy. I have been missing my cats. Georg, especially. He's always doing something funny. Pebbles does a lot of strange things. Speaking of cats, we saw 2 kittens downstairs under the abandoned car near the dump area of our house. They look really cute and they must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should bring some food down the next time I ever go down. God knows when that would be.

Anywho, I am still obsessed with laundry and it frustrates me when my clothes does not dry when I want them to :-/

I need to get the baby clothes washed and packed by next week. I should get my overnight bag ready just as much. I have a check up next week and it MIGHT be my last. I am just bracing myself and hoping for the best.

1 comment:

ms polka sara said...

i miss you!